• 山东新势立生物科技有限公司
  • 山东新势立生物科技有限公司
  • 山东新势立生物科技有限公司
  • 山东新势立生物科技有限公司

CopyRight © 2019 Shandong Xiao Doctor Disinfection Technology Co., Ltd..  鲁ICP备11021997号

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Technical Service Hotline:0534-2729823

Address: No. 5858, west of Chongde Eleventh Avenue, south of Tianye East Road, Dezhou City, Shandong Province


Baby Care hypochloric acid disinfectant

basic information
Product Description

Baby Care hypochloric acid disinfectant

[Main active ingredients and their content] This product is a disinfectant solution with hypochlorous acid as its main active ingredient. The effective chlorine content is 100mg / L ± 15mg / L.

[Formulation] Liquid

[Killing microorganism category] It can kill intestinal pathogenic bacteria, pyogenic cocci and pathogenic yeast.

[Scope of use] It is used to disinfect the surface of general objects. It is especially suitable for disinfecting the surface of objects such as baby toys, children's stationery and baby articles.

[Usage method] After removing the pollutants, wipe and spray the object or surface to be disinfected with the original solution of the product, the action time is 5 minutes, and it will naturally dry or drain after the action.


1. This product is a topical disinfectant. It should not be taken orally and should be kept out of reach of children.

2. This product can be used directly without dilution.

3. Protect from light, store in a cool, ventilated and dry place.

4. This product has no corrosion effect on stainless steel, mild corrosion on copper and aluminum, and moderate corrosion on carbon steel.

[Specifications] 100ml / bottle; 500ml / bottle

[Validity] 12 months

[Executive Standard] Q / 371402AXX103

The next article
Baby Care® foam hand sanitizer